Something better comes along…

So, I spent two hours on Sunday afternoon writing today’s post about all the lovely books published on Super Thursday. Then, for reasons unknown, it disappeared. Completely. I attempted to resurrect it, but with no joy, so I abandoned the idea and read Awful Auntie by David Walliams instead. 

I had assumed that there wouldn’t be a Tuesday post this week, but what do you know, but Mr B’s announces that they are branching out into publishing. Read all about it here. What a great name for a company! Fox, Finch & Tepper. Doesn’t it sound wonderfully  literary? It summons up all sorts of ideas. A Dickensian firm of solicitors or a magical sweetshop from Terry Pratchett. Most of all, it sounds very “Mr B’s”.

This is such wonderful news. You know how much I love Mr B’s and the team there. They are knowledgeable, and clever and lovely people in fact, all round good eggs. They deserve to be successful, I wish them all the best for this project. I for one will be straight down to Bath to buy their first publications. 

One thought on “Something better comes along…

  1. Their first books look really good! Well done Mr B’s!

    I knew they were quite successful as a bookshop, but 1200 copies of The Missing? I bought that one the last time I had a book spa πŸ™‚ Guess what’s just moved up to next in the TBR list πŸ™‚


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